On Friday I was asked to baby sit so I said yes. So I get there and I gave them dinner then we play up till 7:30. (That was their bed time) Then I got them in bed and read them a book...(your probably saying what does this have to do with Wacky neighbor terror????? Well it's coming soon.) So then I just put them down when I hear this knocking. So then I said to myself I'm not going to answer that so I went back to cleaning the house when..... HE opens the door and walks right in!!!! Right know I'm terrified and start coming towards the door.
Then he said (the scary guy) "Oh you're not Jeff, you must be a babysitter. Um I have to borow something..."
Then I said," NO WAY YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!!!!!" (I mean I don't know this guy and he could have been a robber or something.)
He said, "But I'll give it right back..."
"NO YOU NEED TO GO!!!"I yelled.
"But..."he Started.
"LEAVE!" and I slamed the
door!!!While he was in the house I was praying the whole time. I'm really glad that God made it okay for me and the girls I was sitting for.